The Grandeur of Grand Junction
Getting situated in Grand Junction corporate housing is not too difficult. Grand Junction is a friendly town that offers the nature lover some of the best living conditions in the country. The city borders the Colorado River which flows on the city’s west side. The river then splits just south of the city and forms the Gunnison River that continues south while the Colorado meanders eastward forming tributaries that leave and rejoin it at a number of locations.The people here are very welcoming, and everyone here seems to be in a good mood, especially when the sun is out, which is quite often. There are a lot of things to do in this town, be it outdoor sports, hiking, biking or even getting to know the local industries and vineyards. Bring a bicycle when you come here, or buy one as soon as you get here. It is a great place to bike to work, to the grocers or even along some of the really spectacular trails. Enjoy the people, taste the wine, savor the food, and by the time you leave, Grand Junction will be a part of you.